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Category Archives: adult children
Baby Boomer Recognition Day
Would you believe it? Yesterday was the official Baby Boomer Recognition Day. As if Boomers need one particular day to be feted. At over 75 million strong, this generation has been in the forefront of the news ever since their beginning in 1946. With the last of the Boomers turning 50 this year, they have now, in fact, all become the AARP generation. As the largest cohort of Americans, Boomers have set the tone for so many of our cultural trends and historical mores. But these days Boomers are facing … Continue reading
Wrapping Your Head Around Moving
Our priorities and needs are changing as we prepare to move. Downsizing once again, we face the challenge of fitting our treasures into a smaller space. And keeping it simple seems to be the way to go. I still love to turn the pages as I read, yet there’s a growing list of books on my e-reader. And I know that the piles of articles I always intended to reference are now easily accessible on the Internet. As we sift through and make choices–which cherished objects to keep and those to let … Continue reading
Posted in adult children, stress, well-being, your self
Tagged brain, children, downsizing, family history, heirlooms, journaling, keepsakes, memories, moving, neural pathways, teens, traditions, values
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Why Can’t Nana Be President?
By now you likely know that Chelsea Clinton and Marc Mezvinsky are expecting their first child in the fall. The fact that Hillary Clinton’s daughter will give birth to one of this year’s four million American babies is exhilerating for their family. But it doesn’t deserve the media bashing–that being a grandmother will hold Hillary back if she runs in the 2016 presidential race. There’s no denying that family has an impact on all aspects of our lives. And let me tell you from experience, grandparenting is a highly underrated … Continue reading
Let’s not Pigeonhole Millennials
Did you know that, according to the older generation, kids today have a sense of entitlement and are clueless about how to communicate without social media? A pigeonhole is an overly restrictive category, which fails to reflect the actual complexities. And pigeonholing is exactly what we’re doing to the eight million Millennials, born between 1980 and 2000. According to the media, Gen Y has created a new developmental stage between adolescence and adulthood called adultolescense. More of them are living with a parent than a partner, in part because they’re … Continue reading
Posted in adult children, stress, well-being
Tagged adultolescense, connection, divorce, economics, GenY, marriage, Millennials, parents, social media, student loans, support, unemployment, volunteering
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