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Author Archives: phyllis
Launching Your Boomerang Kids
One quarter of the 80 million Millennials have boomeranged home. It’s common in today’s society. What’s a parent to do? If your kidults have huge college loans and no job, you can’t turn them away. You may consider this generation’s long transition into adulthood a gift, with extra family time and connection. But it’s also necessary to put ground rules in place and set objectives so they’re working toward greater independence. Readings from our library can help you navigate this transition Sometimes it feels like the only constant is change. … Continue reading
Posted in adult children, stress, your self
Tagged Boomerang kids, college, family, goals, ground rules, independence, kidults, Millennials, mom, parents, relationships, roles, stress, transitions, Whose Couch Is It Anyway
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Millennials and Marriage Advice
Millennials have been keeping their distance from one of the core institutions in our society. Only 26% of this cohort, that numbers over 80 million, is married. Compare that to other generations: 36% of Gen X, 48% of Baby Boomers and 65% of the Silent Generation were married at the same age. According to a Pew Research Center survey, one of the main qualities most women want in a husband is a secure job. Yet the report points out that young men are increasingly less likely to be employed. And those … Continue reading
Posted in intimate partner, well-being
Tagged anger, date night, disappointment, finances, intimacy, Kate Middleton, marriage advice, Millennials, Pew Research, Prince William, relations
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Boomerang Kids and Mother’s Day
Over 20 million adult kids are living at home. Parents who are dealing with this challenge worry about ongoing financial stress and the possibility of having to delay retirement. According to a recent survey, boomers who financially provide for their boomerang Millennials are 25% more likely to have heightened anxiety. How many times have you told your kids that money doesn’t grow on trees? With Mother’s Day right around the corner, how about asking for cooperation? Here are practical tips to get your family started: Learn to say no. Don’t put your grown … Continue reading
Posted in adult children, stress
Tagged adult kids, Boomerang kids, delay retirement, family conflict, financial pressure, Millennials, mother's day, stress
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Virtual Book Tour: Gypsy Nesters
Today we are thrilled to host authors Veronica and David James on our blogsite. We will be discussing their book, Going Gypsy: One Couple’s Adventure from Empty Nest to No Nest at All. It’s the story of life after raising kids that is a celebration of new experiences. On a journey of over ten thousand miles along the back roads of America (and a hysterical, error-infused side trip into Italy), they conquer old fears, see new sights, reestablish bonds with family and friends, and transform their relationships with their three grown children. … Continue reading
Posted in well-being, your self
Tagged " adult children, college, daughters, empty nest, family, follow your dreams, Going Gypsy, Gypsy Nesters, raising kids, sons, travel