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Tag Archives: walking
A Walk Instead of Breast Cancer
Since October is Breast Cancer Awareness month, we’re used to hearing about walks – 5K, 10K, or longer – in support of breast cancer research and screening. But this year we’re turning the tables on those reasons and hearing about new data indicating that walking itself can be part of a breast cancer prevention routine for postmenopausal women. Researchers looking at epidemiologic evidence found that women who walked at least 7 hours a week had a significantly reduced risk of developing breast cancer compared to women who were not as … Continue reading
Posted in well-being, your self
Tagged American Cancer Society, awareness month, breast cancer, commitment, exercise, goal, pink ribbon, prevention, research, risk, support, walking
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Breaking the Inertia and Beginning Your Walks
Now that you’ve taken the time for some honest self-reflection about your New Year’s resolutions, have you identified what’s holding you back? Until you recognize what’s causing the obstacles, you can’t begin to map out a plan to implement your walking program. Here are some things to consider: Photo courtesy of graur codrin at FreeDigitalPhotos.net Have you actually committed to a walking plan? Your family and friends can provide a sounding board as well as the motivation to begin and stay with your stated objectives. Putting your goals in black … Continue reading
Posted in your self
Tagged 2012, change, commitment, inertia, New Year's resolutions, priorities, walking
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Becoming Your Own Expert
Are you tired of hearing the same ole, same ole…the “experts” telling you what to do? Everywhere you look this time of year, you can find someone waxing on about what kind of New Year’s resolutions to set for yourself and how to achieve them. But really, don’t you know yourself better than anyone else does? So how about treating yourself as the expert for a change and listen to your own voice. Photo by L.E. Erickson – Flickr.com You don’t need to have anyone lecture you that adding a … Continue reading
Posted in your self
Tagged 2012, change, exercise, inertia, New Year's resolutions, priority; physical condition, walking
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Take Care of Yourself after January Blues
Are you already experiencing winter blues and frustrated with yourself for not doing what you set out to do this year? Today we’ll look at how to better take care of yourself in 2010 and next week, we’ll give you more help in keeping your New Year’s resolutions. Begin with some honest self-reflection. What is currently disturbing you the most? What do you feel good about? Consider both your physical and emotional reactions. Once you are aware of the real problems, you can begin to identify possible solutions and map … Continue reading
Posted in sandwich generation, your self
Tagged depression, diet, exercise, goals, holidays, January blues, New Year's resolutions, Plan B, Sandwiched Boomer, walking, weight gain, winter gloom
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