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Tag Archives: volunteering
Some Good News, for a Change
Are you ready for an upbeat newsflash? With all of the negativity between competing Presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, and the continuing stories of worldwide terrorism, it’s refreshing to learn about a positive story in the media. Two years ago, I blogged about how the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, publicized on social media, had raised $115 million dollars over the summer to fund research into ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis). Now, we learn that “ProjectMinE,” partially sponsored by these contributions, has identified a genetic factor associated with familial ALS. … Continue reading
Posted in well-being, your self
Tagged ALS, charity, dark chocolate, gratitude, helpers high, Ice Bucket Challenge, Millennials, optimism, self esteem, stress reduction, volunteering
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Millennial Voters
Millennials are actively engaged in the 2016 Presidential primaries on both sides of the aisle, driven by issues that are important to them. Those who are Democrats are supporting Bernie Sanders in significant numbers and polls show that high numbers of young adult Republicans are in favor of Donald Trump. What will be the significance of these preferences in the final election figures? It’s too early to tell – but Millennials eligible to vote will make up 30% of the electorate this year, having an impact potentially equal to that … Continue reading
Posted in adult children, parenting kids
Tagged Baby Boomers, Bernie Sanders, Boomerang kids, Donald Trump, election, financial concerns, Millennials, political issues, Presidential primaries, student loan debt, underemployment, volunteering, voters
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For the Love of Giving Back
Valentine’s Day is the perfect time to celebrate social bonds. We’ve volunteered with dedicated teams in communities that welcomed the support, and learned that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. That’s because connecting through helping others strengthens and enriches everyone. Although the Millennials are often labeled as apathetic and lazy, that generation is interested in making social good a part of what they do. One example of what cause-oriented companies are capable of is Sevenly. They’ve They’ve built activism into their core appeal to customers and created … Continue reading
Let’s not Pigeonhole Millennials
Did you know that, according to the older generation, kids today have a sense of entitlement and are clueless about how to communicate without social media? A pigeonhole is an overly restrictive category, which fails to reflect the actual complexities. And pigeonholing is exactly what we’re doing to the eight million Millennials, born between 1980 and 2000. According to the media, Gen Y has created a new developmental stage between adolescence and adulthood called adultolescense. More of them are living with a parent than a partner, in part because they’re … Continue reading
Posted in adult children, stress, well-being
Tagged adultolescense, connection, divorce, economics, GenY, marriage, Millennials, parents, social media, student loans, support, unemployment, volunteering
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