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Tag Archives: trauma
Helping Kids Feel Secure
The summer got away from us – one morning our grandsons were pitching sand balls into the lake, the next afternoon they were preparing their backpacks for school. Whereas Monday’s blog post focused on kids’ stress that comes from media coverage of trauma, there are lots of other situations that can make kids feel anxious – like the first day of school. Kids respond differently and the impact of any stressor depends on their personality, maturity, and coping mechanisms. Some have trouble explaining how they feel so it’s not always … Continue reading
Posted in parenting kids, your self
Tagged autonomy, coping mechanisms, first day of school, irritability, play, relationships, sleep disturbances, stress, support, trauma
How Kids Respond to Violence
I am just back from a three generation family vacation, five grandsons ages 6-11, and I had a front row seat watching the boys sing rap songs, climb mountains, tease each other. No little guys anymore. With the older ones almost as tall as I am, and knowing the vulnerability that comes with adolescence, I have concerns. How do we keep growing kids emotionally safe as they become interested in the world around them, especially when the news reports regularly cover mass murders, war casualties, and terror alerts? Studies show … Continue reading
Posted in parenting kids, your self
Tagged abuse, adolescence, anxiety, emotionally safe, family vacation, neglect, post traumatic stress, reframe ideas, security, terror alerts, trauma
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Sandwiched Boomers and Being Prepared
“The only level, smooth place sufficiently large to land an airliner was the river,” Sullenberger said, recalling that the plane had no thrust and was “descending rapidly.” A former Air Force fighter pilot who has flown commercial planes for nearly three decades, he knew he had to touch down with the wings level and the nose slightly up, and “at a descent rate that was survivable.” That was his only viable alternative. And he was confident that he could do it. It was an intense feeling of relief when he … Continue reading
Posted in sandwich generation, your self
Tagged be prepared, Captain Sullenberger, heroes, Hudson River, Sandwiched Boomers, trauma
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As we move through these difficult financial times, the stresses we all face will be great. Emotions are likely to be close to the surface as uncertainty about the state of our economy continues. Be aware of any potential for domestic abuse in your family and pledge to learn how to protect yourself and your loved ones from the painful trauma caused by such violence. Immediately let someone in authority know about the abuse, if it occurs. Have the phone number of the local police station available – and you … Continue reading