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Tag Archives: Today Show
Helicopter Parents Following Kids to College
Precisely who are these Helicopter Parents? They’re the ones who pay such close attention to their children’s experiences and problems that it’s smothering. And when these over-protecting parents are fearful or worried and restrictive, their kids often become too dependent and doubt themselves. Over time, they don’t have the life skills to assess risks, make decisions and take care of themselves. And what about the parents, themselves? This Washington Post article, written by sociology professor Dr. Margaret Nelson, is called Helicopter Moms Heading for a Crash. She says this parenting … Continue reading
The Empty Nest and the Sandwich Generation
For those of you in the Sandwich Generation, there are lots of circumstances that lead to an empty nest – your growing children moving to college, moving away to take a job or moving into marriage or a committed life with a partner. And any of these situations may require major role shifts for all the family. Watch the video below about a transition that unfortunately resulted in problems for everyone. But if you read the August blog posts we suggest, you’ll see that that there are solutions. Accept your … Continue reading
Irritable Male Syndrome
Does it seem as if your partner is on an emotional roller coaster? In a funk or bad mood at least several times a week? According to mental health experts on the Today Show, he may have irritable male syndrome. This can be a problem in your relationship – especially if he doesn’t want to talk about it. And you can chalk this up to one more male/female difference. Whereas women want to discuss how they’re feeling, men often internalize or hold in their emotions. Your partner may not even … Continue reading
Boomers and Stress
Best selling author Ann Coulter is hitting the airwaves, talking about her new controversial book, “Guilty.” On the Today show this morning, she told Matt Lauer that most of society’s problems are a result of children being raised by single mothers. Although her attitude was abrasive and divisive, she does have a point. The breakdown of the family is a serious problem and, in these tough economic times, the divorce rate is on the rise. Here are some tips to share with friends and family under stress and struggling in … Continue reading
Posted in intimate partner, your self
Tagged "Guilty", Ann Coulter, Baby Boomers, divorce, economic problems, marriage, Matt Lauer, stress, Today Show
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