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Tag Archives: Tim Russert
Rediscover Your Values and Lift Your Spirits
All week we’ve been writing about the impact of the economic crisis on the day-to-day lives of sandwiched boomers – and what you can do about it. Readers have repeatedly told us they’re tired of turning on the radio or t.v. or picking up a paper and finding bad news. Is your financial situation wearing you down? We’re going to leave you with a new idea to think about. Spring is on the horizon, so how about planting a garden? It takes some person power but not a lot of … Continue reading
Posted in parenting kids, your self
Tagged bad news, bonding, economic crisis, feed the family, gardening, Sandwiched Boomers, Tim Russert, values
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As a Sandwiched Boomer, you are pushed and pulled by the generations on both sides, even as you try to juggle your career and your own needs with those of your family. What can you and your family learn from the role modeling that Tim Russert provided? See this as a teachable moment. Character matters, as does your family. There was a massive outpouring of emotion and much admiration for Tim Russert at a time when family values have taken a back seat to more immediate gratifications. The country responded … Continue reading
Posted in extended family, sandwich generation, your self
Tagged family, Sandwiched Boomer, solutions, struggles, Tim Russert
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A Sandwiched Boomer himself, Tim Russert cared deeply about his aging father, Big Russ, and was dedicated to his son, Luke, and wife while maintaining a high-powered career. What lessons can you take from the way he lived his life? Tim Russert was a man of strong faith and felt confident about himself. Look at the many ways you can continue to build on your internal and external assets. Evaluate your basic character strengths and how they have benefited you in other circumstances. Are you fiercely curious and determined to … Continue reading
Posted in extended family, sandwich generation, your self
Tagged character strength, family, Sandwiched Boomer, support, Tim Russert
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We continue today looking at what direction Sandwiched Boomers can take from the life of Tim Russert: Tim Russert never forgot where he came from. He was proud of growing up in Buffalo, his blue-collar origins, delivering newspapers as a boy. You, too, can dig deep and find your roots. Listen to your inner voice. What does it have to say about who you are, what you want, how to care for your family relationships and still nurture yourself? Set some concrete and specific long-range goals about what you need … Continue reading
Posted in extended family, sandwich generation, your self
Tagged family, goals, roots, Sandwich Generation, Tim Russert
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