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Tag Archives: self care
Surviving Breast Cancer
As you recognize from all the pink ribbons around, October is National Breast Cancer Awareness month. Yet soon the month will be over and done – just as breast cancer can be diagnosed and treated. Between 2 and 3 million American women today have survived this health challenge and are living cancer-free. But thriving after any serious illness is complicated and sometimes feels like an uphill struggle. Today’s coping tips can help you support yourself – emotionally and physically – along the difficult course of dealing with breast cancer and … Continue reading
Posted in your self
Tagged challenge, control, coping, diet, exercise, illness, journaling, National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, optimism, positive meaning, recovery, resiliency, self care, Stepping Stones, stress, survival
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Your Personal Health Plan is Job 1
Although “Obamacare” is now the law of the land for Americans, controversy still surrounds it. Candidates in November’s elections have widely conflicting views about its value. Next to jobs as the most import issue in races this year, the new healthcare law is determining the voting patterns of many citizens throughout the country. The uncertainties arising from which party will control the House and Senate in 2011 may leave you in a quandary about your own healthcare strategy.What can you do in the meantime? Decide on a personal health plan … Continue reading
Posted in sandwich generation, your self
Tagged election, family, health plan, healthcare, help, job, laughter, positive mood, Sandwiched Boomer, self care, video
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Sandwich Generation: Nurture Yourself
All week we’ve been talking about how to stay centered and nourish yourself on Valentine’s Day. But don’t save these practical strategies for just one day a year. Use them often and they’ll become second nature. Relax and rejuvenate to relieve stress. Nurture yourself and your body through regular exercise, good nutrition and proper rest. Attend to your mind and your spirit. Practice techniques of deep breathing or your own form of meditation. And set aside quiet time to do what brings you pleasure. This sort of attitude will sustain … Continue reading
Posted in sandwich generation, your self
Tagged balance, Her Mentor Center, less stress, love, relationship, relaxation, Sandwich Generation, self care, valentines day
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Wrap up of Lucy Adam’s Virtual Book Tour
If you missed our Virtual Book Tour yesterday, scroll down to read about Lucy Adams and her book, “If Mama Don’t Laugh It Ain’t Funny.” Below are some of Lucy’s answers to our readers’ questions: Were you always funny or did you cultivate your sense of humor? I admire your skill and, although I see the humor in stuff, I don’t seem to be able to convey it to others. I think a good sense of humor runs in my family. My best memories of my great-grandmother and grandmother are … Continue reading
Posted in extended family, your self
Tagged " books, birth order, family, Lucy Adams, self care, sense of humor, Virtual Book Tour, writing
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