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Tag Archives: resources
A Time for Change
The Jewish New Year celebrates the birthday of the world for all people and Yom Kippur asks us to reflect about our own humanity. During these days of awe we search for answers about how to improve our relationships with those around us. We face and apologize for our moral transgressions against others and grant forgiveness to those who have hurt us. Divisive conflicts and frightening extreme tribalism highlight our need for connections and communal relationships. Amidst the cacophony and sounds of discord, the blast of the shofar is clear … Continue reading
Posted in well-being, your self
Tagged balance, change, commitment, community, connections, control, family, friends, goals, New Year, power, resources, shofar, strength
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New Beginnings
Now that September is here, are you encountering a time of change? You may be refocusing on work after the Labor Day weekend, sending the kids back to school, celebrating the Jewish New Year, or simply making a recommitment to reality after the escape of summer. Many of us are now taking stock of where we are and making plans for where we want to be. If you’re ready to challenge yourself to make changes in your life, here are a few tips to keep in mind: Recognize what you … Continue reading
Posted in well-being, your self
Tagged assets, balance, challenge, change, expectations, family, friends, goals, objectives, resources, self care, strength, support, talents
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