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Tag Archives: President
Ending his speech to the American people with thundering applause as he promised, “I fight for you!” John McCain accepted his party’s nomination to become President of the United States. Positioning himself as a fighter, a reformer and a patriot, he told his personal story of dedication to country and his political story of pragmatic reaching across party lines to accomplish national goals. And he challenged the American people to “fight for what’s right for our country…the ideals and character of a free people.” Portraying himself as an agent for … Continue reading
Posted in extended family, your self
Tagged change, convention, election, family, fight, John McCain, nomination, november, President, Republican
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Who would have thought eight years ago when he was running for Vice-President on the Democratic ticket that Connecticut Senator Joe Lieberman would be giving an impassioned prime-time speech in support of presumptive Presidential nominee John McCain at the Republican convention? Lieberman, transpartisan himself, praised maverick McCain for reaching across the aisle time and again to forge bipartisan accords between Independents, Democrats and Republicans in an effort to improve government for all Americans. Speaking directly to the undecided voters at home, he urged them to support McCain, casting him as … Continue reading
As the Presidential primaries continue their drive to Super Tuesday and beyond, the emphasis in Florida has shifted to the economy. With both the stock market and interest rates in a decline, Baby Boomers’ retirement investments are being hit from both ends. When you are in the Sandwiched Generation, caring for aging parents and growing children, the effects of a slowing economy may have an even more dramatic effect on your financial situation. Polls in Florida have indicated that the economy is the number one issue to voters there. Consequently, … Continue reading
Honoring Martin Luther King, Jr. today, Americans may wonder how much progress has been made toward realizing his dream, so eloquently stated that steamy August day, 1963, in Washington, D.C. According to a poll done by CNN/Opinion Research, a significant majority of blacks and whites believe that the dream of racial equality has evolved in our society. A full 72% of whites and 61% of blacks are of the opinion that America in 2008 would be accepting of a black President. According to the same poll, slightly fewer voters, around … Continue reading
Posted in sandwich generation, stress, well-being, your self
Tagged 2008, CNN, Martin Luther King, President, Sandwich Generation, Sandwiched Boomers, voter
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