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Tag Archives: Nurses’ Health Study
Your Social Network Can Improve Your Health
I bet you’re not surprised: Study after study has confirmed what most women already know – friendships are good for your health. The Nurses Health Study found that the greater the number of friends in your social network, the more healthful and joyful a life you lead. The MacArthur Foundation concluded that social support helps women cope with difficult times. Shelley Taylor and her colleagues at UCLA determined that befriending other women helps women live longer and more satisfying lives. So when you’re setting up your personal health plan, be … Continue reading
Your Personal Health Plan Relies on Your Social Network
Women traditionally turn to friends when they need help coping – both with daily hassles and with more serious hardships. Study after study has confirmed what most women already know – friendships are good for your health. The Nurses Health Study indicated that the greater the number of friends in your network, the more healthful and joyful a life you lead. The MacArthur Foundation found that social support helps women cope with difficult times. Shelley Taylor and her colleagues at UCLA determined that befriending other women helps women live longer … Continue reading
Over the next couple of days we’ll be giving some tips for you Sandwiched Boomers, as you look at your friendships and begin to build on them. Appreciate your friends and give these relationships the time and attention they need in order to blossom. Turning to other women for support can provide strength to help you cope as you face challenges with your family in flux. Women’s friendships can be complicated. What you need from each other, and the intensity and frequency of these needs, can lead to some misunderstandings. … Continue reading