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Tag Archives: mother’s day
Mother’s Day: A Difficult Mom and Forgiveness
With Mother’s Day right around the corner, make sure you get some of what you need. And that could include the gift of forgiveness. But first: Be clear about what you’re willing to do. Perhaps your mother is older and still has unreasonable expectations of you but doesn’t value what you do for her. What you get in return may be criticism, arguments or tantrums. Try your best to stick to your rules by writing a list of what you will tolerate. And don’t assume that you have to do … Continue reading
Mother’s Day: Tips for Sandwiched Boomers Challenged by a Difficult Mother
Are you dreading Mother’s Day again this year and worrying about what to do for your mom? You may never have been close, or are now estranged and feeling angry. Have you cut the mother-daughter ties and ignore the day, yet remain resentful and sad? Or do you just pretend everything is OK and give her a gift anyway? Even though the media lead us to believe that all mothers deserve flowers and chocolates, if you don’t have a good relationship, this ‘special’ day can be agonizing. The truth is … Continue reading
Respectful Grandmothers
With Mother’s Day just around the corner, we’ll be highlighting all you ‘Grand Mothers’ this week. As you know, we come in all sizes as well as names – Grandma, Bubbe, Granny, Nana, Grams, or whatever special name your grandkids have for you. We have 10 grandchildren between us – living near and far; in preschool, grade school, college and beyond; from intact as well as blended families. What we share in common is our concern for them and our desire to maintain a loving relationship with them. This week … Continue reading
Posted in extended family, your self
Tagged balanced work and family, divorce, grandchildren, grandma, grandmother, mother's day, Stepping Stones
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How to Care for a Parent with Alzheimer’s
Here are some more suggestions for Sandwiched Boomers to improve the way you talk with your loved ones suffering from Alzheimer’s. Keeping your communications direct will help them focus better. Avoid asking questions when possible. If you need to, provide limited choices. Give your loved one the time to answer – don’t interrupt them or fill in words. Tell loved ones exactly what you want them to do. Don’t tell them more than you need to. Don’t try to reason with them. Provide answers and solutions. Don’t become argumentative. Don’t … Continue reading
Posted in aging parents, sandwich generation, your self
Tagged aging parents, Alzheimer's, communication, mother's day, Sandwiched Boomer
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