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Tag Archives: mother’s day
Mother’s Day: Dealing with Disappointment
Have you thought about how you define yourself, like Sally’s mom or Joe’s boss? The greater your sense of self, the more buffered you’ll be from emotional fallout. In times when you feel most vulnerable, you’ll have other characteristics that can sustain you. Core roles change when your daughter leaves for college or your son gets married, when you lose your job or get a promotion. At those times, what matters most to your wellbeing is the impact on your ideas about who you are. But you don’t have to … Continue reading
Posted in parenting kids, sandwich generation, well-being, your self
Tagged disappointment, family, love, mom, mother's day, nurturing, relationships, roles, Sandwich Generation, support, well being
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Mother’s Day: Nourishing Sandwich Generation Moms
Woman knows what man has long forgotten, that the ultimate economic and spiritual unit of any civilization is still the family. Clare Boothe Luce This quote underscores how women value family, as evidenced by card-carrying Sandwich Generation moms working hard to support kids growing up and parents growing older. If you’re the child, mother or partner of such a dedicated woman, how do you plan to celebrate her this Mother’s Day? Here are a few practical ideas: If you’re the child of a SG mom and you get daily reminders about cleaning your … Continue reading
Stress and Sandwich Generation Moms
Women in the sandwich generation, squeezed between parents growing older and kids growing up, often feel like a trapeze artist on a tightrope. According to research findings, this group of moms experience more stress than any other cohort. Do you think this applies to your life? It does if you’re often frustrated and irritable, having physical symptoms, anxious or worried about getting it all done, tired but not sleeping well, neglecting your own needs. As we struggle to balance work life with caring for family and taking care of ourselves, … Continue reading