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Tag Archives: Millennials
Boomerang Kids and Mother’s Day
Over 20 million adult kids are living at home. Parents who are dealing with this challenge worry about ongoing financial stress and the possibility of having to delay retirement. According to a recent survey, boomers who financially provide for their boomerang Millennials are 25% more likely to have heightened anxiety. How many times have you told your kids that money doesn’t grow on trees? With Mother’s Day right around the corner, how about asking for cooperation? Here are practical tips to get your family started: Learn to say no. Don’t put your grown … Continue reading
Posted in adult children, stress
Tagged adult kids, Boomerang kids, delay retirement, family conflict, financial pressure, Millennials, mother's day, stress
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Community – Global and Local
The earthquake in Nepal has brought to the surface deep connections within the global community. The reactions of countries far away and across the world – for example, the United States, the European Union, Israel – have been swift, caring and operationally well-planned. Hopefully their efforts will prove to be effective in helping the people of Nepal and the surrounding affected areas. Over 5,000 have already been confirmed dead and thousands more have been injured or lost their home and possessions because of the violent earthquake and aftershocks in the … Continue reading
Posted in adult children, stress, your self
Tagged anxiety, Baltimore, community, earthquake, looting, Millennials, neighborhood, Nepal, rescue, riot, stress
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Millennials, taxes and politics
With income taxes due today, many U. S. citizens are coming face to face with the challenges of a still-lagging economy. Tax day is never pleasant but this year, with additional anxieties raised by disturbing world events, financial uncertainty reigns. Millennials, particularly, are struggling due to their high numbers of unemployment and underemployment – as well as the over $1.6 trillion they carry, as a group, in student loan debt. Into this environment, four candidates have officially thrown their hats in the ring for the 2016 Presidential election: Marco Rubio, … Continue reading
Millennials and Faith
Millennials continue to create their own path to adulthood. A Pew Research Center survey indicates that they are less likely than any other generations to be affiliated with a traditional faith or attached to religious institutions. Only 58% say they are certain that God exists. Moving beyond the walls, they’re finding unrestricted networks where every tribe is represented and no one is left out. Some have lots of questions and, without definitive answers, are engaging with others and encouraging dialogue. As digital natives they continue these discussions, collaborating and feeling connected through … Continue reading
Posted in adult children, parenting kids, stress, well-being, your self
Tagged Boomerang kids, God, meditation, Millennials, path, Pew Research Center, Pope Francis, prayer, religion, spirituality, stress, student loans, Vatican
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