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Tag Archives: journal
Four Good Reasons to Keep a Journal
For my tenth birthday I received a treasured gift, a diary with a lock. Even at that young age, it was clear that the key would keep my thoughts and feelings protected. Journaling can be a powerful life tool to change your mind and habits. So if you don’t have a safe place to explore your hopes, fears and dreams, why not try it? And here are four good reasons why: Reduce stress. Writing about events that upset you can accelerate your coming to terms with them. When you express … Continue reading
Posted in stress, your self
Tagged boost wellbeing, diary, dreams, fears, gratitude, hopes, journal, life tool, reduce stress, solutions
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How to Fight Inertia
As Sandwiched Boomers, chances are you’re bombarded daily by challenges with aging parents and growing children. You may also be trying to balance home and work responsibilities. And that’s without your commitment to stay healthy, lose weight and exercise regularly. Just thinking about your hectic lifestyle can stop you in your tracks. If this is your life and you’re feeling the time crunch, follow these guidelines. Photo by Nuttakit Make a start, any start. Buy a journal or borrow one of the notebooks your child isn’t using and do your … Continue reading
Posted in your self
Tagged aging parents, complimentary ebook, fight inertia, free newsletter, goals, growing children, journal, Sandwiched Boomers
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Reducing Stress and Anxiety
Seeing pictures of the people of Haiti – or those of Kabul or Iraq or the unemployment lines in America, take your pick – you may be filled with deep emotions yourself. How you deal with this stress and anxiety depends on many factors in your life, especially what has worked for you in the past. When you’ve felt frustrated and helpless before, what has helped you regain a sense of control? Was it humor or redirecting your focus or occasional distancing or rededication or creating a Plan B – … Continue reading
Posted in aging parents, parenting kids, sandwich generation, your self
Tagged aging parents, anxiety, balance, challenge, diet, earthquake, exercise, growing children, journal, laughter, Sandwich Generation, Sandwiched Boomer, stress, support
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