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Tag Archives: inspiration
Poets Gloria Vando and Bill Hickok Visit our Blog
Today we have a unique Virtual Book Tour for you – a married couple who each have published books of their poetry, Gloria Vando and Bill Hickok. Gloria has been writing poetry since she was in junior high school but for Bill it’s a more recent avocation. Gloria’s poetry has won her accolades and awards over the years and Bill has now received rave notices for his first book, published close to his 80th birthday. We welcome them warmly to our blog today to talk about their love of poetry. … Continue reading
Posted in intimate partner, your self
Tagged Bill Hickok, Gloria Vando, Helicon Nine, inspiration, poetry, poets
Living the Life of Your Dreams
We’ve come across an new ebook that we want to tell you about. Written by Caryn FitzGerald, it features 30 ordinary people sharing their experiences living extraordinary lives. Living the Life of My Dreams: Essays & Interviews with 30 Ordinary People Living EXTRAordinary Lives can inspire you with some amazing stories of people who have gone from ordinary to extraordinary. You’ll find plenty of practical ideas in Caryn’s book about how to create the life you want by tapping into your passions and talents. And the message about perseverance that … Continue reading
Posted in your self
Tagged courage and lessons learned, inspiration, living the life of my dreams
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Families Are Inspired in the National Parks
Given your limited budget this year, have you made any plans for summer vacation? For some Sandwiched Boomers, squeezed between caring for growing children and aging parents, the choices may be limited. According to a recent poll, close to 80% of adults believe that family and friends are more important than possessions – in other words, relationships trump ‘bling’ in creating happiness, satisfaction and fulfillment of the American dream. So, in these tough financial times, families are still taking vacations together yet are managing to cut back on their spending. … Continue reading