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Tag Archives: infidelity
Marital Harmony despite Financial Woes
Financial events shape how people act – the great depression, beginning in 1929, affected entire generations as they adapted to the change in their way of life. If the predictions come true and this is a slow economic recovery, everyone will have to adjust their mental attitudes and create new behaviors around spending. Yet there are hidden gifts in these shifts – by nesting more, you have less stress, the chance to bond with family, more time with your partner. As much as you want to help your children and … Continue reading
Even in the holiday season, the news media thrive on streaming information – and gossip – about the exploits of high visibility couples. The general public has been well informed about the on-going splits of Hollywood couples, the infidelity of John Edwards, the visits to call girls by Eliot Spitzer. Polls report that approximately one-third of marriages have experienced an affair by one of the partners. How then do the other two-thirds resist the temptation to stray? As Paul Newman, married over 50 years to Joanne Woodward before he died, … Continue reading
Posted in intimate partner, your self
Tagged affair, brain, Eliot Spitzer, faithful, infidelity, John Edwards, marriage, Paul Newman, Sandwiched Boomers
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The media spotlight today is on Eliot Spitzer, the Govenor of New York, and his link to the Emperor’s Club VIP prostitution ring. Whether his damaging behavior is related to a sense of entitlement, the dark side of his virtuous attitude, high testosterone or feeling he’s above the law, seeing the pained look on Silda Spitzer’s face and knowing that he has 3 teenage daughters makes you wonder. His is a classic and most dramatic example of the disruption of equilibrium that can occur in long-term relationships. Reading the examples … Continue reading
Posted in intimate partner, parenting kids, stress, well-being, your self
Tagged Eliot Spitzer, emotional damage, infidelity, marriage, relationship erosion, sense of entitlement, trust
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