Marital Harmony despite Financial Woes

Financial events shape how people act – the great depression, beginning in 1929, affected entire generations as they adapted to the change in their way of life. If the predictions come true and this is a slow economic recovery, everyone will have to adjust their mental attitudes and create new behaviors around spending. Yet there are hidden gifts in these shifts – by nesting more, you have less stress, the chance to bond with family, more time with your partner.

As much as you want to help your children and parents, don’t take your eye off the ball. If you’re in the Sandwich Generation, you may be balancing college tuition, elder care housing and your own financial responsibilities. Continue to focus on your health, finances and retirement savings. Doing so will ensure that you have the wherewithal to be an active participant in your children and parents’ lives while still saving for your own long-term needs. And the more your family does for themselves, the better they will feel about maintaining their independence.

Click on the title of this post and read an article on HerMentorCenter about how to Avoid Infidelity: Tips to Keep Couples Faithful.

These are tough times but you can draw on the strength of your relationships to get through. As banks are having a difficult time lending money, this is your chance to make an investment in your marriage – it can turn into a welcome source of security and comfort. And can you think of a better time than now?

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