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Tag Archives: identity
Shared Joy
This year the last day of Chanukah falls on Christmas Eve, reminding us of the unique connection many inter-faith families share. And for those of us who observe only one of the holidays, it’s nice to see how our friends are enjoying their special parties. Getting together with family enhances the combination of fun, warmth, good food and beautiful decorations – whatever event you’re celebrating. And studies have shown that when families join together to practice their customs and rituals, there’s a positive effect on the children. They’re more likely … Continue reading
Posted in extended family, parenting kids, well-being, your self
Tagged celebration, Chanukah, children, Christmas, customs, Eve, family, friends, Hanukkah, holidays, identity, inter-faith, new years, party, relationships, rituals
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Becoming a superhero
Superheroes traditionally dominate the blockbuster motion picture ratings each summer and this one is no exception. These larger-than-life characters appeal to our kids, who idolize them and aspire to become all-powerful too. I recall a favorite summertime activity in my own childhood – sitting on the floor in the corner of our local drug store reading the latest edition of all the action comic books, especially Wonder Woman. Their personas provide a sense of possibility for adults as well, encouraging us to dream of what we might become. With their … Continue reading
Posted in parenting kids, stress, well-being, your self
Tagged challenges, coaching, comics, coping, identity, meaning, motivation, movies, power, relaxation, role model, self confidence, stress, success, superhero, support, teamwork
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Mother-in-Law’s Tongue
Mother-in-Law’s Tongue, with its sharp, blade-like leaves, has been described as “toxic.” That is, when it’s not being called by its other name, the Snake Plant. Wow, looks the plant world doesn’t have a very good view of us mothers-in-law! But we MILs know that most of the time we don’t use our words to cut – we work hard to “hold our tongues” and defuse the situation. That’s not always easy to do. We often hear from women who want to improve their relationships with daughters-in-law, but don’t know … Continue reading
Posted in extended family, your self
Tagged conflict, daughter-in-law, DIL, family in flux, HerMentorCenter.com, identity, MIL, mother-in-law, mother-in-law's tongue, role changes, son-in-law, tools
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Sandwiched Boomers Re-examine Marriage
As Sandwiched Boomers with demanding family responsibilities, you have a tough balancing act. You’re attending to your kids, parents and personal needs while still trying to nurture your marriage. If your kids are teenagers you know they still need you, but not in the same way. Your role is different and you’re left trying to adjust to changes in your identity. Or perhaps you have greater commitments now that either your parents or in-laws are older and need more help. There may be conflict about how to find the time … Continue reading