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Tag Archives: healthy aging
Baby Boomer Recognition Day
Would you believe it? Yesterday was the official Baby Boomer Recognition Day. As if Boomers need one particular day to be feted. At over 75 million strong, this generation has been in the forefront of the news ever since their beginning in 1946. With the last of the Boomers turning 50 this year, they have now, in fact, all become the AARP generation. As the largest cohort of Americans, Boomers have set the tone for so many of our cultural trends and historical mores. But these days Boomers are facing … Continue reading
Virtual book tour with Johann Arnold
Today we are pleased to host Pastor Johann Christoph Arnold for a Q&A session as he discusses his newest work, Rich in Years: Finding Peace and Purpose in a Long Life. His book offers sage advice, both for elders and their caregivers, about the upside to growing older and how to find meaning in the challenges of this time of life. Since many of us are either caring for aging parents or are getting on in years ourselves, let’s begin. Mentors: Thank you for agreeing to participate in our Virtual … Continue reading
Posted in aging parents, well-being
Tagged community, healthy aging, long life, meaning, peace, Rich in Years, wisdom
Coping With Your Aging Dad on Father’s Day
Father’s Day gives us the chance to salute our dads and say thanks for all they’re done for us. As a young girl, mine taught me how to swim, stand on my head and play tennis; as a teen, how to be responsible and accomplish my goals; as an adult how to feel cherished. As we all grow and mature, our relationships with our fathers change but the bond of love is constant. If your dad has become more fragile as he ages, it’s likely that your connection has been … Continue reading
Posted in aging parents, sandwich generation
Tagged aging parent, Baby Boomer, caregiving, challenge, dad, eldercare, Father's Day, healthy aging, resiliency, Sandwich Generation, siblings, stress, support
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Aging vs. Growing Old: It’s Complicated
When growing children are acting out, some may say, “Act your age.” But it’s more complicated when Sandwiched Boomers are trying to figure out exactly what that means for them. Is age set by the calendar? By your experiences? By how you look? By how you feel physically? By how others define you? By how you think about things? By your vision for the future? All this week, we’ve been talking about how to stay young as we age healthfully, but is that too simplistic? Let’s look today at some … Continue reading