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Tag Archives: gift
Focus on Gratitude During the Holidays – and All Year
Deciding to focus on giving thanks means a whole new mindset. As Albert Schweitzer put it, “To educate yourself for the feeling of gratitude means to take nothing for granted, but to always seek out and value the kind that will stand behind the action. Train yourself never to put off the word or action for the expression of gratitude.” When you follow these steps you can act on the gratitude you experience and live a rich life no matter what time of year or economic environment. Positive psychology studies … Continue reading
Posted in sandwich generation, your self
Tagged aging parents, family, gift, grateful, gratitude, growing children, holidays, Sandwiched Boomer, well being
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Increasing Your Gratitude
During this holiday season, do you feel as though the emphasis on presents overshadows the real value of the gifts you give and receive? To be significant, a gift doesn’t have to be an actual physical entity – it can be an expression of love, caring and thanks that is given from the heart. For Sandwiched Boomers, caring for aging parents and growing children, these can be the most meaningful gifts of all. When you decide to focus on the people and events in your life for which you are … Continue reading
Sandwiched Boomers, what are you dreaming about this holiday season – universal goals like sustaining our planet’s resources and gaining energy independence? Or, with the stock market meltdown, are you wishing for some relief from the financial pain? Even in the best of times, the stress that comes with the holidays this time of year can be exhausting. So why not give a gift to yourself? Take some down time over the weekend. For a couple of hours each day, try not to focus on the problems. Curl up with … Continue reading
Posted in extended family, sandwich generation, your self
Tagged Boomers, children, credit card debt, economic problems, family, family stress, gift, grandchildren, holidays, worry
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Your emotions will likely come into play as you deal with the complexities of being a Sandwiched Boomer. Pay attention to your moods as you work to express and cope with those feelings. Guilt runs rampant among Sandwich Generation caregivers who often worry that they’re not doing enough for their loved ones. Remind yourself that you’re dancing as fast as you can, given the realities of your life situation. You don’t have to be the perfect mother, daughter, or wife. Set your own reasonable standards rather than falling in the … Continue reading
Posted in sandwich generation, your self
Tagged gift, journaling, positive attitude, Sandwich Generation, Sandwiched Boomers
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