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Tag Archives: gift
Thinking About Your New Year’s Resolutions
Now that you’ve made the exchanges in your Christmas or Chanukah gifts, do you think it’s time to begin thinking about the changes you want to make in yourself this coming New Year?You may have your own unique list of improvements you want to make – stop smoking, lose some extra pounds, exercise more, live a healthier lifestyle, spend quality time with family and friends. No matter what makes up your set of New Year’s Resolutions, change is never easy. If you’re wondering what can help you take that first … Continue reading
Posted in your self
Tagged change, commitment, diet, exercise, family, friends, gift, goals, New Year's resolutions, stop smoking, visualize
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Creating a Holiday Spirit Yourself
If you’re newly alone this year, the holidays may remind you of the joys and sorrows of past gatherings. But try to stay focused in the present. Let go of your expectations and instead create celebrations that are meaningful to you now. You’ll find your experience of these special days can create new memories to savor throughout the year. Image: Stuart Miles / FreeDigitalPhotos.net Now that you’ve used Monday’s tips to get started, here are some more for coping with the holidays on your own: Consider your finances. You’ll need … Continue reading
Nurturing Your Mom on Mother’s Day with More Than Chocolates
With Mother’s Day less than a week from now, are you still searching for that perfect gift? Sending flowers, candy and greeting cards are de rigueur for Mom but, as members of the Baby Boomer generation, we recognize that what your aging mother really wants on her special day is to feel nurtured. Sharon’s mother, who had been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease, no longer recognized her. Sharon felt very sad but resigned. “Mom is so sweet, even if she doesn’t know who I am most of the time. It’s now … Continue reading
Posted in aging parents
Tagged aging parent, Alzheimer's, Baby Boomer, candy, family relationships, flowers, gift, memories, mom, mother's day
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Listing Your Strengths
Keeping a journal will help you clarify your thoughts and feelings as you look at all aspects of your life. As you begin to make an inventory of your assets, include what you have done and the value you have created in the past – as student, family member, career associate, community volunteer, friend. Now think about what you are currently doing in your life that you feel proud about – the gift of time that you give as a Sandwiched Boomer to you growing children and aging parents as … Continue reading