Tag Archives: MSNBC

Abby Sunderland: A Free Range Kid

When 16 year old Abby Sunderland attempted to become the youngest person to sail solo around the world, there was a lot of controversy – some called it reckless and accused her parents of child abuse. Others who think childhood quests are an endangered species applauded Abby’s confidence, sailing prowess and sense of adventure. You may be interested in learning more about Abby. Here MSNBC traces her journey through articles and video. And Abby talks about her love of the sea and sailing experience as well as her inspiration and … Continue reading

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A Woman’s Nation

Yesterday First Lady of California, Maria Shriver, spoke about ‘A Woman’s Nation’ on Meet the Press. According to this new report, close to 50% of women – compared to less than 30% in 1950 – are in the work force and 2/3 of mothers are breadwinners or co-breadwinners. With this growing dynamic in our society, the question at round tables and kitchen tables becomes: how do we relieve the stress on families? This is the quintessential Sandwich Generation issue. As you well know, women have been struggling for years, trying … Continue reading

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