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Tag Archives: Captain Richard Phillips
Listing Your Assets and Liabilities
Engage in an active process of getting to know your true self and what you want to do. Think about what you would see if you held up a mirror to your inner self. What nurtures your creative thinking? What stimulates your curiosity? What do you really value and care about? What are your dreams and passions? When you can honestly answer these questions for yourself, you can begin to identify what is your life purpose. Only then can you go about achieving it. How would you like to share … Continue reading
Women are Heroes Too
All week we have been talking about the heroic actions of Captain Richard Phillips – as well as the crew of the Maersk and those who helped engineer and carry out his rescue. Typically heroism is thought of in ways that are more likely to be male – standing up to physical attackers, taking on frightening scenarios, suffering pain, fighting back. But so many women, Sandwiched Boomers or not, are real heroes every day, albeit in different ways. Think you’re not a hero? Well, think again. It’s brave to go … Continue reading
Real Heroes Say Thank You
Somali pirates have vowed to attack other American ships and have tried to take over the Liberty Sun, only to be rebuffed by their crew. Secretary Gates believes that the US does not need to institute any new efforts to thwart future attacks. What do you think? The crew of the Maersk Alabama arrived home to cheers today with Captain Phillips to follow soon. Let’s look again at some of his heroic behavior that can inspire you. Align yourself with a higher purpose. For Capt. Phillips, it was more important … Continue reading
Posted in extended family, your self
Tagged Alabama, Captain Richard Phillips, family, gratitude, hero, pirates, spiritual
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Teamwork and Resiliency Pay Off
We are learning more details about how Captain Phillips was rescued from the pirates who were holding him hostage and threatening to kill him. Here are some of the strategies they used to save him. Can you, Sandwiched Boomer or not, use them in your own life as well? Think outside the box. Capt. Phillips seemed to be going along with the pirates’ commands but he stayed alert and constantly thought about what he could do, first, to save his crew and cargo and then himself. He paid attention to … Continue reading
Posted in sandwich generation, your self
Tagged Captain Richard Phillips, Navy, pirates, President obama, rescue, resiliency, resources, Sandwiched Boomer
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