Women are Heroes Too

All week we have been talking about the heroic actions of Captain Richard Phillips – as well as the crew of the Maersk and those who helped engineer and carry out his rescue. Typically heroism is thought of in ways that are more likely to be male – standing up to physical attackers, taking on frightening scenarios, suffering pain, fighting back. But so many women, Sandwiched Boomers or not, are real heroes every day, albeit in different ways.

Think you’re not a hero? Well, think again.

It’s brave to go to your place of work where your colleagues don’t think you are as good as they are just because you are a woman. You work as hard as they do but don’t make the same wages, yet you show up every day and do your best. Isn’t that heroic?

You are determined to give your child the future she deserves. Even when you fear you won’t be able to, you keep on trying and don’t give up. Isn’t that heroic?

Sitting with a friend who is going through chemotherapy, wiping her forehead as she throws up once again, is altruistic as well as loving. Isn’t that heroic?

It’s courageous to visit your mother in the Alzheimers’ nursing home every week, knowing that she won’t even know who you are. The pain of fighting back the tears, putting on a smile, using a soft voice, gently stroking her hand – when all the time you want to be shouting out, “Don’t you remember who I am? Where are your memories?” Isn’t that heroic?

As a Sandwiched Boomer, you are squashed between the needs of your growing children, aging parents, demanding career, loving spouse – and yet you manage to take care of everyone. Whether we call you a hero or heroine, you are the laudable center of your family. So congratulations – our hats are off to you!

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