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Tag Archives: breast cancer
Breast Cancer in the News
Angelina Jolie has often been in the media – she is, after all, half of the Hollywood power couple, Brangelina. But this time the story appeared not in a tabloid gossip column but in the New York Times Op-Ed page. It was one she had written herself, entitled, My Medical Choice and it revealed an important personal decision Ms. Jolie had made. Learning that she had a mutated BRCA1 gene – increasing her risk of breast and ovarian cancers – and deeply saddened by the loss of her mother to … Continue reading
Posted in well-being, your self
Tagged Angelina Jolie, Brangelina, BRCA1 gene, breast cancer, mammogram, mastectomy, medical choice, MoonWalk, research, screening, treatment, walkthewalkamerica
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Tough Enough to Wear Pink
Now that October – designated as National Breast Cancer Awareness Month – is here, a focus for women is early detection and improved treatments. As a breast cancer survivor myself, I have participated in many Walks over the years and this weekend I again joined with other families to raise funds for finding a cure. Each time I have walked with others to support research, I find that what we really support is each other. The camaraderie and sisterhood that comes from walking together and working together to fight breast … Continue reading
Posted in your self
Tagged breast cancer, coping, goal, journaling, National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, NBCAM, positive, positive meaning, resiliency, support, survivor, walk
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Susan Boyle: A Role Model
Remember Susan Boyle, the Scottish T.V. sensation from Britain’s Got Talent? She was middle-aged, shy, portly, nonthreatening – the classic underdog. Although Boyle performed well in the final competition, she didn’t win. And afterwards she was hospitalized with emotional exhaustion. Yet she came out the other end with her sense of humor intact and more confident. You can take a lesson from Susan Boyle. Focus on your strengths that can lead to success. Look for a role model who inspires you and begin to see yourself from a different perspective. … Continue reading