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Tag Archives: asset
Listing Your Goals
After you identify your strengths and the direction you want to take, begin to develop a concrete plan of action you can follow. Establish short-term objectives that will move you, step by step, toward the long-term goals you have set for yourself. Discover and create your personal vision for 2010 using your newly completed asset inventory. Think it is too late to start making lists and dramatic changes? Mary Anne Evans was a novelist in 19th century England but believed she need to take a male pen name to have … Continue reading
Posted in sandwich generation, your self
Tagged asset, change, make a plan, Sandwiched Boomers, set goals, short-term objectives, strengths, women
Listing Your Assets and Liabilities
Engage in an active process of getting to know your true self and what you want to do. Think about what you would see if you held up a mirror to your inner self. What nurtures your creative thinking? What stimulates your curiosity? What do you really value and care about? What are your dreams and passions? When you can honestly answer these questions for yourself, you can begin to identify what is your life purpose. Only then can you go about achieving it. How would you like to share … Continue reading
Listing Your Strengths
Keeping a journal will help you clarify your thoughts and feelings as you look at all aspects of your life. As you begin to make an inventory of your assets, include what you have done and the value you have created in the past – as student, family member, career associate, community volunteer, friend. Now think about what you are currently doing in your life that you feel proud about – the gift of time that you give as a Sandwiched Boomer to you growing children and aging parents as … Continue reading
Making Your Own List
Now that the year is ending and the ’00 decade is coming to c close, pundits have been opining about all kinds of topics. You can find a list of the 10 films of 2009 most likely to be nominated for an Academy Award, the 20 most interesting books, or the 50 best songs of the decade. In addition to spending some of your spare time reading through these lists, how about taking some personal time this week to create your own list – of your 10 most important assets? … Continue reading