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Tag Archives: advice
Virtual Book Tour: 30 Lessons for Loving
Today we are pleased to host family sociologist, researcher on aging and author Karl Pillemer, Ph.D. on our blogsite. We will be discussing his insightful book, 30 LESSONS FOR LOVING: Advice from the Wisest Americans on Love, Relationships, and Marriage. Dr. Pillemer led an in-depth study of long-married elders ever conducted, comprised of 700 people averaging 43 years of marriage. They opened their hearts and the findings are fascinating, so let’s get started. Her Mentor Center: What is the Legacy Project and what inspired you to launch it? Karl Pillemer: … Continue reading
First-time Grandparents and Passover or Easter – Part One
Are you rushing around, preparing for the holidays and counting the minutes until you can hold the new baby? As a sandwiched boomer, you’re already squeezed between kids growing up and parents growing older. But now that you’re a grandparent, you get to take a bigger bite. Some say you don’t experience perfect love until the birth of your grandchildren. Others describe this as an opportunity to slow down and savor one of life’s most precious gifts. But you may have mixed emotions, feeling both excitement and apprehension. Perhaps you’re not … Continue reading
Posted in adult children, parenting kids, sandwich generation, stress, well-being, your self
Tagged advice, Easter, family, first time grandparents, grandchildren, holidays, new parents, Passover, stress
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Tips for College Grads Boomeranging Back
Are your college grads getting ready to move back home? In Monday’s post, we started a list of tips for parents busy cleaning up their college seniors’ rooms before heading off to graduation. If boomerang kids are about to become your new housemates, here’s some practical insight you can share as they begin to look for work in this tough economy: Rely on your instincts. Listen to the advice of those you trust. But look inside for answers and find your own voice. Don’t jump at money or do what others … Continue reading
Posted in adult children, your self
Tagged advice, Boomerang kids, college graduates, emerging adult kids, mentors, the 20s, uncertainty, volunteer
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Virtual Book Tour: Dr. Gary Small
Today we are delighted to welcome Gary Small, M.D., director of the UCLA Memory and Aging Center and professor of psychiatry at UCLA’s David Geffen School of Medicine. He’ll be answering our questions – and yours as well – about the book he recently wrote with his wife, Gigi Vorgan, “The Naked Lady Who Stood On Her Head: A Psychiatrist’s Stories of His Most Bizarre Cases.” Nourishing Relationships: Several of the stories in your book deal with how the mind affects the body. One of them gets into your experiences … Continue reading
Posted in your self
Tagged addiction, advice, aging, anxiety, depression, Dr. Gary Small, Gigi Vorgan, memory, mind/body, stress, UCLA, Virtual Book Tour