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Category Archives: well-being
The not so empty nest
For two years now, we’ve been blogging here about the phenomenon of Boomerang Kids. Once considered an unusual event after leaving the nest empty, adult children now have moved back home in record numbers. According to Pew Research, more Millennials are now living with their parents than in any other housing arrangement, with over 20 million returning to their childhood homes. This new cultural shift is apparent throughout the world, and has become a societal norm for Millennials and their families. But even with its prevalence, there are areas of … Continue reading
Posted in adult children, parenting kids, stress, well-being, your self
Tagged Boomerang kids, empty nest, experience50, family, Mary Rogers podcasts, Millennials, parenting grown children, Pew Research, tips for young adults living with parents, Whose Couch Is It Anyway
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Thanksgiving Gratitude
Thanksgiving inspires us to express our gratitude for all we have been given. I’ve been grateful to have the opportunity to share my thoughts with you here on our blog for many years. Today, I hope you will click on some of my past Thanksgiving posts to read more about some practical tips to help you add to your holiday experience. Deciding to focus on giving thanks means a whole new mindset, championed by Positive Psychology and its founder, Dr. Marty Seligman. When you use these techniques to count your … Continue reading
Posted in adult children, extended family, well-being, your self
Tagged Boomerang kids, count your blessings, dysfunctional behavior, family, gratitude, happiness, holiday season, pay it forward, positive psychology, thank you, thanksgiving
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From Mourning to Post Traumatic Growth
Our nation is in a period of mourning. It’s been over a week since the political earthquake and we’ve yet to begin our recovery. We’re caught in the early stages of grief, feeling angry and sad, far from the acceptance that comes at the end of a healing process. Whether we receive our information through news media coverage or social media sites, it’s all about adversity and uncertainty. Some people are frustrated or disillusioned and involved in targeted reactions – protests, boycotts, petitions. Others are feeling vulnerable and worried about their … Continue reading
Posted in stress, well-being, your self
Tagged a broader perspective, assaults on minorities and immigrants, hope is the best path, loss and mourning, Nelson Mandela, post traumatic growth, resilience, reunite the United States, stages of grief
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Let the Healing Begin
Are your emotions spent or are you still passionate about your dislike for the other candidate? Now that this most blistering of elections is over, Americans are faced with a task even more difficult than electing a President – bringing healing to a fractured country. This election, with its flawed candidates, unearthed major rifts in friendships and families as sides were drawn and opinions hardened. Now the country must come together and respect the democratic process that brought us our new leader. President-elect Donald Trump, Secretary Hillary Clinton and President … Continue reading
Posted in stress, well-being, your self
Tagged communication techniques, conflict resolution, dysfunctional relationships, family and friends, gratitude, hate, President obama, President-elect Trump, presidential election, reconcile, Secretary Clinton
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