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Category Archives: well-being
Opening Doors
As you’ve noticed, Facebook can consume enormous amounts of your free time. There are always new posts to consider – status updates about where an acquaintance is having coffee, crazy cat videos, quizzes to help you discover “what you were in your past life,” tons of recommendations for connections with people you may know since you share mutual “friends.” But sometimes a post can get you thinking as one recently did for me. Our publisher, Fuze, included a photo on Facebook that actor Chris Meloni had placed on his page. … Continue reading
Posted in stress, well-being, your self
Tagged adventure, challenges, creativity, Facebook, Fuze Publishing, Helen Keller, initiative, open doors
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Mother’s Day: Dealing with Disappointment
Have you thought about how you define yourself, like Sally’s mom or Joe’s boss? The greater your sense of self, the more buffered you’ll be from emotional fallout. In times when you feel most vulnerable, you’ll have other characteristics that can sustain you. Core roles change when your daughter leaves for college or your son gets married, when you lose your job or get a promotion. At those times, what matters most to your wellbeing is the impact on your ideas about who you are. But you don’t have to … Continue reading
Posted in parenting kids, sandwich generation, well-being, your self
Tagged disappointment, family, love, mom, mother's day, nurturing, relationships, roles, Sandwich Generation, support, well being
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Have You Heard the One About…
If you’ve been feeling happier the last few weeks, it could be due to the arrival of spring, the onset of daylight savings time, the holidays shared with family–or the fact that April is National Humor Month. Lots of things can be funny – slapstick, satire, irony—but most have at least a tinge of truth to them. Like one of Yogi Berra’s most well known malapropisms, 90% of the game is half mental. Humor often results when our brains, trying to resolve two incongruent ideas, look for any unexpected and … Continue reading
Posted in stress, well-being
Tagged comedian, comedy, connection, creativity, endorphin, exercise, fun, health, laughter, medicine, National Humor Month, pain, problem solving, stress, well being, Yogi Berra
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