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Category Archives: well-being
Clearing Out Clutter
It may be a function of getting older, but I’m more ready than ever for less excess and more simplicity. Of course, part of the reason is that we recently moved into a smaller condo. But now that I’m 70, it’s time to take stock. Perhaps you too want your mantra to be less is more. But why does that persistent inner voice still encourage us to hold on? Sentimental feelings – You may still feel attached to the handmade cards and pasta necklaces your children or even grandchildren have … Continue reading
The Power of the Pen
If you want to stay emotionally on track, why not consider journaling? When we experience a traumatic event or painful transition, our thoughts often keep us up at night. Translating these crises into language can help us get a better grasp on how we feel and what to do about it. Journaling is a fluid form of writing where you can record your concerns, explore personal issues and clear your head. It’s a way to connect to your feelings and clarify your thoughts. Want to tap into your stream of … Continue reading
Posted in stress, well-being, your self
Tagged disappointment, family, frustration, journaling, marriage, painful transition, relationships, stress, traumatic event
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Choose Resilience
To one degree or another, we’ve all suffered adversity and experienced setbacks. But have you heard about post-traumatic growth? You know, it’s always possible to bounce back. Whether you’re hit in the face with a crisis or making a slow transition to the next chapter, expect a cascade of emotions–anxiety, the desire to hold on, fear, maybe even a sense of freedom. If you step back, take a deep breath and face the situation squarely, you can’t help but grow from the challenges: Look into your part. You have a … Continue reading
Posted in stress, well-being, your self
Tagged anxiety, conflict resolution, crisis, death, fear, job loss, marriage, post traumatic growth, relationships, resilience, stress, transition
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Pink power over breast cancer
With news of a second case of Ebola developing in the United States, fears about our health have catapulted to the top of an ever-growing list of anxieties. Yet, as we implement an improved means for controlling the spread of that disease, we can turn the focus to our current abilities to influence the course of other diseases. During the month of October we are reminded of the power we have to manage breast cancer – through awareness, risk reduction, early detection, effective medical treatment, support and finding positive meaning. … Continue reading
Posted in well-being, your self
Tagged awareness, breast cancer, disease, early detection, Ebola, health, mammogram, mammography, positive meaning, risk reduction, support, treatment
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