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Category Archives: well-being
Meeting the Challenges of Retirement
LEARN MORE about Transitioning into Retirement Are you trying to adjust to life after a long career? Like most of us, you may be facing the challenges of this transition. Although we do a good job getting our financial portfolio in order, preparing for what will bring us joy and stimulation at this stage is another story. We hope you’ll listen in on February 16, 17, and 18. Along with 11 other experts, we’ll be talking about why some of your fears may not be based on fact and how you … Continue reading
Posted in stress, well-being, your self
Tagged adjusting to retirement, financial portfolio, free retirement podcast, free virtual symposium, overcome challenges, transitioning into retirement
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Emotional Intimacy on Valentine’s Day
You may be overwhelmed with adult children-teenage Millennials or Boomerang Kids-living at home. And perhaps Valentine’s Day feels like just one more responsibility you have to take care of. Are you trying to balance your personal life, work and family with little choice but to leave your love relationship on the back burner? Busy people under pressure often hurt the ones they love. These are not ideal circumstances as we approach the most romantic day of the year. For some, February 14th is filled with expectations: thoughts of lavish gifts, … Continue reading
Posted in stress, well-being, your self
Tagged adult children living at home, Boomerang kids, don't withhold sex, emotional intimacy, expressions of love, intimate relationships, life work and family balance, love, parenting Millennials, reduce blood pressure, romantic adventures, stop fighting with your partner, stress, valentines day
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An Early Spring
With enthusiasm generated in the Iowa caucuses providing the heat on Groundhogs Day, Punxsutawney Phil didn’t see his shadow this year, leading to a prediction of an early spring. If you’re hoping to begin your own march toward nicer weather but are still stuck in the muck, you can find 4 tips here at Her Mentor Center for taking the time this winter to achieve positive goals for yourself. Maybe the shorter winter days with less sunlight are beginning to get to you and you’ve already given up on your … Continue reading
Virtual Book Tour: “The Spirituality of Age”
Today we are thrilled to host Robert L. Weber, Ph.D. and feature the book he co-authored with Carol Orsborn, Ph.D., “The Spirituality of Age: A Seeker’s Guide to Growing Older.” Weber is a clinical psychologist, Assistant Professor of Psychology, Part Time, in the Department of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, and Assistant in Psychology at Massachusetts General Hospital. A former Jesuit, he served in the order for 10 years. Drawing from the latest research in psychological and religious theory, Weber and Orsborn provide their own conversational and candid answers to … Continue reading