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Category Archives: sandwich generation
Healing Family Wounds
Tuesday’s blog post focused on how divorce and parenting style can cause a breach in your relationship with your adult children. As a marriage and family therapist, I know there are all kinds of reasons why parents and adult children become distant. The experts used to think that negative behavior was due to bad parenting. But decent parents can raise difficult kids. Some may have a demanding temperament from birth, are harder to parent or are less responsive to influence. It’s been said that you’re only as happy as your least … Continue reading
Posted in adult children, aging parents, extended family, intimate partner, parenting kids, sandwich generation, stress, well-being, your self
Tagged " adult children, family counseling, family reunions, family wounds, healing, negative behavior, parents, relationships, siblings, sisters
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Passover or Easter and First-time Grandparents – Part Two
As we’re in the midst of Passover and Easter is about to begin, this week family is at the forefront. As a first-time grandparent you must be easing into your new role. So see if these practical ideas help: Respect your children. A lot has changed since your parenting days. There are new theories and techniques. Don’t assume that, just because you did it in a certain way, it’s the best. When you hold back, you’ll notice how capable your kids are and how lovingly they care for your grandchildren. Notice how … Continue reading
Posted in adult children, aging parents, extended family, parenting kids, sandwich generation, stress, well-being, your self
Tagged balance, challenges, children, Easter, family, grandchildren, Grandparents, Passover, roles
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First-time Grandparents and Passover or Easter – Part One
Are you rushing around, preparing for the holidays and counting the minutes until you can hold the new baby? As a sandwiched boomer, you’re already squeezed between kids growing up and parents growing older. But now that you’re a grandparent, you get to take a bigger bite. Some say you don’t experience perfect love until the birth of your grandchildren. Others describe this as an opportunity to slow down and savor one of life’s most precious gifts. But you may have mixed emotions, feeling both excitement and apprehension. Perhaps you’re not … Continue reading
Posted in adult children, parenting kids, sandwich generation, stress, well-being, your self
Tagged advice, Easter, family, first time grandparents, grandchildren, holidays, new parents, Passover, stress
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AMOUR: Lessons from the 2013 Best Foreign Film
Although the 2013 Academy Awards are history, one gem – Amour – will continue to shine. This heartbreaking and unflinching movie was painful to watch but it stimulated conversations with more questions than answers. As the people we love decline, how do we deal with the inevitable suffering? Austrian filmmaker Michael Haneke tackled this subject and won the 2013 Academy Award for best foreign language film. The leads, veteran French actors Jean-Louis Trintignant and Emmanuelle Riva, play a vital Parisian couple in their 80s whose happy marriage gradually unravels. A retired music … Continue reading