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Category Archives: sandwich generation
Aging as a Leap of Faith: Letting Our Spirits Fly
Today’s article by our friend, colleague and guest blogger Carol Orsborn may resonate for many of you. Please feel free to ask her questions in the ‘Reply’ section below the post. Here you go: I received a poignant email from Sally, an old friend who had just stumbled across Fierce with Age, my online Digest of Boomer Wisdom, Inspiration and Spirituality: I turned 65 and instantly became depressed. But seems like you’ve got a handle on this aging thing. How is that you have avoided despair, regret and questions about … Continue reading
Posted in aging parents, sandwich generation, stress, well-being, your self
Tagged aging, Boomers, CoroFaith:mFaith, death, downsize, Dr. Carol Orsborn, fierce with age, guest blogger, loss, marginalization, mHealth app, religion, retire, spirituality
Mother’s Day: Nourishing Sandwich Generation Moms
Woman knows what man has long forgotten, that the ultimate economic and spiritual unit of any civilization is still the family. Clare Boothe Luce This quote underscores how women value family, as evidenced by card-carrying Sandwich Generation moms working hard to support kids growing up and parents growing older. If you’re the child, mother or partner of such a dedicated woman, how do you plan to celebrate her this Mother’s Day? Here are a few practical ideas: If you’re the child of a SG mom and you get daily reminders about cleaning your … Continue reading
Stress and Sandwich Generation Moms
Women in the sandwich generation, squeezed between parents growing older and kids growing up, often feel like a trapeze artist on a tightrope. According to research findings, this group of moms experience more stress than any other cohort. Do you think this applies to your life? It does if you’re often frustrated and irritable, having physical symptoms, anxious or worried about getting it all done, tired but not sleeping well, neglecting your own needs. As we struggle to balance work life with caring for family and taking care of ourselves, … Continue reading
Stress Awareness Month and the Boston Tragedy
Since 1992, April has been Stress Awareness month, but this year we didn’t need a reminder. On 4/15/13 there was plenty of fear and anxiety after the Boston marathon bombing, with three innocent lives cut short that day and 264 injured, several in critical condition. It was Patriots Day in Boston, a day filled with history, tradition and rituals. The violent attack, in the midst of celebration, rekindled vulnerable feelings for all of us. With 24/7 media coverage and five days of chaos and terror, it seemed like the whole … Continue reading