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Category Archives: parenting kids
Moms of Boomerang Kids Speak Up
Like 20 million other Millennials, has your adult child moved home? If so, we hope to hear from you about your experiences. We’ve been collecting stories from other parents about the joys and challenges of having their young adults back in the family nest. We have a short survey available for you to complete. You can also share the link with someone you know who has a “boomerang kid” back home. Simply CLICK HERE for the survey link to answer the questions and provide us with your comments. In return … Continue reading
Posted in adult children, parenting kids, your self
Tagged Boomerang kids, boundaries, communication, exit strategy, household expenses, job loss, Millennials, parenting adult children, saving money, student loan debt, survey of parents, Whose Couch Is It Anyway, young adults move home
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Letters of acceptance
We’re approaching the time of year that letters of acceptance go out – either by snail mail or directly through the Internet. For some, it’s admission to college or graduate school, for others it means that first job offer. How are Millennials and their parents reacting to the news in these letters? As the website Grown and Flown explores, parenting is complicated and takes on different aspects for moms and dads of teens. Leaving home for school is often a significant step in your child’s road to adulthood but college … Continue reading
Posted in adult children, parenting kids, stress, well-being
Tagged adult children returning home, Boomerang kids, college expenses, financial independence, letters of acceptance, Millennials, parenting young adults, student loans
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Millennial Voters
Millennials are actively engaged in the 2016 Presidential primaries on both sides of the aisle, driven by issues that are important to them. Those who are Democrats are supporting Bernie Sanders in significant numbers and polls show that high numbers of young adult Republicans are in favor of Donald Trump. What will be the significance of these preferences in the final election figures? It’s too early to tell – but Millennials eligible to vote will make up 30% of the electorate this year, having an impact potentially equal to that … Continue reading
Posted in adult children, parenting kids
Tagged Baby Boomers, Bernie Sanders, Boomerang kids, Donald Trump, election, financial concerns, Millennials, political issues, Presidential primaries, student loan debt, underemployment, volunteering, voters
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Handling Financial Worries
Are you concerned about what’s happening to your savings as the stock market continues to fluctuate and slide? The drop of nearly 2,000 points over the past two months may reflect worldwide fears about future growth of the economy. But your personal outlook may have a sharper focus: What if a drop in my IRA balance affects my planed retirement date? When will my Millennial generate the funds to pay off his student loan? How can I help my parents or kids when I’m busy treading water myself? To allay … Continue reading
Posted in adult children, parenting kids, sandwich generation, stress, your self
Tagged Baby Boomers, Boomerang kids, drop in IRA balance, economy, finances, Millennials, Plan B, role model, stock market, student loan, transitioning into retirement, Whose Couch Is It Anyway
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