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Author Archives: phyllis
Caring for the Caregiver
I recently participated in a forum dedicated to Baby Boomers caring for growing children and aging parents. If you’re a member of the Sandwich Generation, you may be interested in listening to some PODCASTS. You’ll find interesting panel discussions about Boomerang Kids, longterm caregiving and being stuck in the middle, all packed full of compassion, ideas and resources. The statistics are staggering: over 40 million Americans provide care for loved ones who are unable to care for themselves. At times these struggles call for total devotion. And according to AARP, the collective … Continue reading
In the Middle of the Sandwich Generation
What’s your priority? Your mother-in-law needs a ride to the doctor and your dad’s calling on the phone because he can’t remember that you just hung up. Last week, your older son asked if he could move home to save money for graduate school. And now your teenager needs help with her science project, due tomorrow, an hour before your board meeting. Sounds familiar? Welcome to the Sandwich Generation. You’re part of an increasing number of Americans facing the challenges of kids growing up and parents growing older. Perhaps you have … Continue reading
Posted in adult children, aging parents, sandwich generation, stress, well-being, your self
Tagged " adult children, access your moral compass, aging parents, family, KNX 1070 news radio, mother-in-law, reach goals, recognize support, Sandwich Generation, Sandwich Generation Forum, siblings, stress
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Mass Murders: Helping Families Cope
This time it’s Roseburg, Oregon, where families are mourning loved ones who were killed while in class at Umpqua Community College. It was the deadliest U.S. mass shooting in two years and the bloodiest in Oregon’s modern history. It’s astonishing how many times we’ve blogged about this dreadful subject. READ HERE: With the 2011 killings at a political rally in Arizona, we wrote about stress, optimism and recovery. After the 2012 Sandy Hook School massacre in Connecticut, our focus was on finding hope by taking action. With the horrendous bombings … Continue reading
Family Transitions
When your Millennials left home, were you more worried about their being comfortable in college or your adjustment to their absence? Navigating transitions can be complicated. Yet when you let go of hands-on mothering, you’re free to begin a new chapter. Imagine creating a more grown-up nest, igniting old passions or embracing deferred goals. This transition signifies the end of an era when the house was full of growing children and activity. Try to visualize more simplicity and less chaos. Think about cleaning out drawers and closets, giving away stuff no … Continue reading
Posted in adult children, well-being, your self
Tagged emotional reactions, empty nest, family, feelings, loss, Millennials, mothering, priorities, self awareness, traditions, transitions, values
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