Valentine’s Day is right around the corner. If you’re single and feeling out of sorts, here are some ideas about how to brighten your day:
Give yourself an emotional break and watch what happens. With a deep breath, release any negative thoughts you have about not being in a relationship. Actively dispute the notion that you are unworthy or unattractive. Choose an affirmation that rings true for you – I’m fine just the way I am; my life is full of those who care about me – and repeat it out loud, with conviction and often.
Take a step back and trust your instincts. Listening to your inner voice can provide comfort and reassurance about where you are right now. As you recognize your strengths, focus on why you’re happy with who you are and what’s important to you. Be sure that you’re integrating your core values and personal ideals into how you live your life.
Let go of bad feelings and think positive. If you continue to feel frustrated, angry or disappointed, remember that a minor change in attitude can make a big difference in how you relate to others. According to Indira Gandhi, “You cannot shake hands with a clenched fist.” Try to find humor in your situation and fall back on laughter.
Still having a hard time taking control of your mood? If you click on the title of this post, you can read an article about how boomers can sing rock and roll instead of the blues. And tomorrow we’ll be back with more Valentine’s Day tips.