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Tag Archives: work
Ban Bossy
What do you think of the Ban Bossy campaign? Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook COO and author of Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead, has partnered with Anna Maria Chavez, CEO of the Girl Scouts, and former Secretary of State Condeleeza Rice to encourage girls to strive for leadership roles. Their thought is that girls are discouraged from asserting themselves because they don’t want to be called bossy—domineering, prone to giving orders. The campaign argues that if we take away the stigma by banning the word, girls will take … Continue reading
Posted in parenting kids, your self
Tagged 'Lean In', Anna Maria Chavez, Ban Bossy, Condeleeza Rice, Deborah Tannen, feminism, Girl Scouts, girls, leadership, self esteem, sexism, Sheryl Sandberg, STEM, work
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Can Workplace Stress Ever Be Good?
Just as you were getting comfortable with your lunchtime “ohms” to reduce daily job stress comes word from business school researchers that stress can actually be good for you. Not the kind that raises blood pressure, attacks the immune system, and causes you to lose sleep, but the kind that motivates you to achieve goals, especially those at work. Changing your attitudes and expectations about stress can modify your responses to new stressful events. Learning how to redefine stress as a challenge ahead of time can limit the increases in … Continue reading
Posted in stress, well-being, your self
Tagged adrenaline, attitude, career, challenge, control, crisis, expectations, fear, goals, growth, immune system, objectives, self confidence, stress, support, work
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Memories of Labor Day
Labor Day – originally designed to honor working people – has come to stand for a time of change for families each year. It signals the end of summer and those lazy days – where did that time go? Now we’re into fall and back to school. Do you have a child starting a new year in grade school, high school, college? Likely that entails more than sharpening pencils and pulling out the backpack. As you prepare for your end-of-summer barbeque, what does their return to school mean to you? … Continue reading
Posted in parenting kids, well-being, your self
Tagged change, coping, fall, family, Labor Day, memories, school, work
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