Tag Archives: unemployment

Let’s not Pigeonhole Millennials

Did you know that, according to the older generation, kids today have a sense of entitlement and are clueless about how to communicate without social media? A pigeonhole is an overly restrictive category, which fails to reflect the actual complexities. And pigeonholing is exactly what we’re doing to the eight million Millennials, born between 1980 and 2000. According to the media, Gen Y has created a new developmental stage between adolescence and adulthood called adultolescense. More of them are living with a parent than a partner, in part because they’re … Continue reading

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Honoring Veterans Every Day

Just in time for Veterans Day, in an overwhelming display of bipartisanship, the U.S. Senate passed a bill providing tax credits to employers who hire unemployed veterans. In addition, Congress will be shepherding through the legislative process a “VOW to Hire Heroes Act” in expectation of early passage. President Obama also announced several administrative programs to help veterans find work and train for new careers. These jobs initiatives are particularly important since, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, veterans have an overall unemployment rate of 12.1 %, … Continue reading

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Dog Days of Summer

If you’re reading this post today, there’s a good chance you’ve decided not to travel this Labor Day weekend. Was it the desire to nest close to home with your family and enjoy the final dog days of summer or the extra expenses involved in a trip? This year, with the sluggish economy continuing, most families are especially attuned to the rise in prices. According to the AAA, gasoline is more expensive this year – as are plane fares and hotel rooms. And the poor jobs figures that came out … Continue reading

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The Election, the Economy and You

News about the economy continues to be gloomy. Unemployment figures still languish near 10 percent, home foreclosures persist unabated and bankruptcy is the only feasible alternative for many Americans. As the election season moves into high gear, it reflects the mantra of 1992, “it’s the economy, stupid.” Funds are hard to come by and even battered ones are appreciated. Actually thriving during an economic crisis may be impossible to achieve, but you can learn techniques to help you deal with these difficult times. All this week, you’ll find video tips … Continue reading

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