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Tag Archives: spouse
Women are Heroes Too
All week we have been talking about the heroic actions of Captain Richard Phillips – as well as the crew of the Maersk and those who helped engineer and carry out his rescue. Typically heroism is thought of in ways that are more likely to be male – standing up to physical attackers, taking on frightening scenarios, suffering pain, fighting back. But so many women, Sandwiched Boomers or not, are real heroes every day, albeit in different ways. Think you’re not a hero? Well, think again. It’s brave to go … Continue reading
The American Psychological Association, in a survey of 2500 people from all across the country, found that stress levels have increased significantly in the past two years, especially in the last six months. Over 80% of the responders said that money was a significant worry for them. And that was before the financial meltdown of the past month. So today we have two more tips for you to avoid feeling pressured and out of control by the roller coaster economy. Learn stress reduction strategies by attending a seminar, group, meditation … Continue reading
Yesterday we introduced you to The Gratitude Project, a timely idea created by Dina Lynch Eisenberg, who blogs at www.thismarriagething.com. Join her in conscious appreciation of those who bring joy and meaning into your life. Here are some additional tips she passes along to help you participate in spreading gratitude around and enjoying the feelings it creates. Say a sincere thank you to your spouse, partner or someone significant in your life three times per day for the next 10 days. Your goal is to catch him or her doing … Continue reading
Posted in intimate partner, your self
Tagged Dina Lynch Eisenberg, gratitude, love, spouse, thank you, thismarriagething.com
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Even in these difficult economic times, there is much to be grateful for. As we appreciate our blessings, we can focus on what we can do as individuals to make our world a better place for all. Today we are highlighting two projects. Dina Lynch Eisenberg of www.thismarriagething.com has started what she calls The Gratitude Project. She describes it as “my challenge to bring more love and appreciation into the world during a tough time.” The idea is to say thank you to your spouse – or partner, friend, co-worker … Continue reading
Posted in extended family, intimate partner, your self
Tagged economic crisis, gratitude, marriage, refugee, spouse, Veterans Day
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