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Tag Archives: spouse
Gray Divorce
Are you and your spouse still happy, sharing activities like exercising together? If so, you may not know about a new trend hitting baby boomers – Gray Divorce. In the past 20 years, the divorce rate for boomers has doubled even as the total divorce rate has been going down. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, in 2009 more than 25% of all divorces were among couples over 50. AARP has identified that in 2/3 of these divorces, it is women who seek the split. Often their motivation is to … Continue reading
Posted in intimate partner, your self
Tagged census, couple, empty nest, Getting Old, gray divorce, husband, John Gottman, marital therapy, marriage, spouse, Susan Lieberman, wife
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Toning Down Your Fights
Here we are again in March, which has the reputation of coming in like a lion, out like a lamb. Do these changes in the tone of the weather mirror the shifting atmosphere of your relationships? Images: FreeDigitalPhotos.net Everyone has fights sometimes but have you been wondering how you can switch your relationship squabbles from turbulent to sunny in the same way March does? Whether you’re dealing with a significant other, your child, parent, in-law, friend or colleague at work, here are some tips for toning down the rhetoric and … Continue reading
Men at Work – More than Just a Sign
Linguist Deborah Tannen has written numerous books about the conversational styles of women and men, in families and at work. According to Tannen, problems can occur, especially in a job setting where the members are not as knowledgeable about each other, when men and women don’t understand the rituals that define each other’s approach. Women, even in a work setting, generally use conversational strategies that are considerate and sensitive to the other person’s feelings, even when giving negative feedback. Demonstrating an emphasis on getting the job done without “flexing their … Continue reading
Posted in extended family, intimate partner, your self
Tagged boss, brother, conversational style, Deborah Tannen, HerMentorCenter.com, home, men, power, spouse, women, work
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Take Stock of your Marriage
As Sandwiched Boomers with so much to do you probably spend a lot of time on automatic, going through the motions of your daily routine. When you don’t deal directly with what’s going on and how you feel about it, you may be surprised when you do notice. Here are some ways to ‘take the temperature’ of your marriage and start on the road to recovery: Identify what you are feeling. As a first step, write down the emotions that now regularly surface. What is happening between you and your … Continue reading
Posted in intimate partner, sandwich generation
Tagged anger, emotions, frustration, hot buttons, let go, marriage, partner, Sandwiched Boomers, spouse
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