Tag Archives: conversational style

Learning How to Listen Like Your Favorite Pet

When your partner speaks, do you think you’re as good a listener as the family dog or cat? Lets take a look at what pets may bring to the table with good listening skills and emulate their behavior: 1. Look directly at your partner and pay attention – don’t let your mind wander off topic or to your potential response. Make the person who is speaking the most important one in the universe at that moment. 2. Allow your partner to complete his or her thoughts. When it is appropriate, … Continue reading

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Men at Work – More than Just a Sign

Linguist Deborah Tannen has written numerous books about the conversational styles of women and men, in families and at work. According to Tannen, problems can occur, especially in a job setting where the members are not as knowledgeable about each other, when men and women don’t understand the rituals that define each other’s approach. Women, even in a work setting, generally use conversational strategies that are considerate and sensitive to the other person’s feelings, even when giving negative feedback. Demonstrating an emphasis on getting the job done without “flexing their … Continue reading

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