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Tag Archives: solutions
Four Good Reasons to Keep a Journal
For my tenth birthday I received a treasured gift, a diary with a lock. Even at that young age, it was clear that the key would keep my thoughts and feelings protected. Journaling can be a powerful life tool to change your mind and habits. So if you don’t have a safe place to explore your hopes, fears and dreams, why not try it? And here are four good reasons why: Reduce stress. Writing about events that upset you can accelerate your coming to terms with them. When you express … Continue reading
Posted in stress, your self
Tagged boost wellbeing, diary, dreams, fears, gratitude, hopes, journal, life tool, reduce stress, solutions
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Nurturing Our Sons and Grandsons
As grandmothers of a total of 8 grandsons, we are happy to bring Stephen James and David Thomas back for another day of questions and answers about their book, Wild Things: The Art of Nurturing Boys. And to learn more about bonding with your grandchildren when they live far away, click on the title above to take you to our article, Create Meaningful Bonds with Your Grandchildren Across the Miles, which you will find on our website, www.HerMentorCenter.com. NR: Both of you are fathers of girls and boys. How is … Continue reading
Posted in parenting kids
Tagged dad, David Thomas, mom, raising boys, solutions, son, Stephen James, Wild Things
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As a Sandwiched Boomer, you are pushed and pulled by the generations on both sides, even as you try to juggle your career and your own needs with those of your family. What can you and your family learn from the role modeling that Tim Russert provided? See this as a teachable moment. Character matters, as does your family. There was a massive outpouring of emotion and much admiration for Tim Russert at a time when family values have taken a back seat to more immediate gratifications. The country responded … Continue reading
Posted in extended family, sandwich generation, your self
Tagged family, Sandwiched Boomer, solutions, struggles, Tim Russert
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