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Tag Archives: savor memories
A Lesson in Happiness
Some scientists think happiness is largely determined by genetics and other factors outside our control. Others say we have a set point of happinessĀ and, no matter whether we win the lottery or have a devastating accident, within a year of the event we return to a familiar emotional level. But recent research suggests that we can actually take charge of our happiness and it is within our power to change. On my way home from a recent vacation in Northern Spain, I was reflecting on the trip, thinking about when … Continue reading
Posted in extended family, sandwich generation, stress, well-being, your self
Tagged dreams, expectations, happiness, Northern Spain, power to change, savor memories, summer, travel
Enter Our Photo Contest
Tired of winter? Warm up your heart by going through some of your family photos. You’ll enjoy reliving happy times. Maybe you’ll reminisce with your children about when everyone was young and carefree. Or remember just last month when you all gathered to celebrate the holidays together. You can savor the love all over again. Photo (c) Andres Rodriguez/Fotolia Then be a part of our special contest. Enter and you can win the right to download a series of unique pictures from Fotolia.com. They’ll be the perfect fit for your … Continue reading
Posted in aging parents
Tagged contest, family, Fotolia.com, Her Mentor Center, photo, photographs, pictures, savor memories, website, winner
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Increasing Your Gratitude
During this holiday season, do you feel as though the emphasis on presents overshadows the real value of the gifts you give and receive? To be significant, a gift doesn’t have to be an actual physical entity – it can be an expression of love, caring and thanks that is given from the heart. For Sandwiched Boomers, caring for aging parents and growing children, these can be the most meaningful gifts of all. When you decide to focus on the people and events in your life for which you are … Continue reading
Long-distance Grandmothers
When your grandchildren live far away, you probably don’t have the opportunity to see them more than every few months, particularly in this economy. Here the most salient issue is building connections. Likely you will need to enlist the aid of your adult children and children-in-law to help you form the bonds between you and their kids. The way you do this will vary as they grow and will certainly flow from your own interests and creative talents. Whatever you choose, your efforts will be well worth it when you … Continue reading
Posted in extended family, your self
Tagged connection, grandchildren, grandmother, grandparenting, savor memories, scrapbook, Skype
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