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Tag Archives: grandparenting
Woman as Daughter, Mom, MIL, Grandmother
Have you noticed how you and the women in your life are able to accomplish a myriad of activities all the while maintaining rich relationships? According to the pundits, this may be because women are traditionally good at multitasking – both at work and at home. The conventional wisdom is that this skill is a result of both inherent abilities as well as the effects of learning and socialization. Recently, scientists using MRI scans have found that the brains of women are hard-wired to excel at multitasking whereas men’s brains … Continue reading
Posted in adult children, aging parents, parenting kids, your self
Tagged Baby Boomers, daughter-in-law, daughters, grandchildren, grandmother, grandparenting, intergenerational relationships, Millennials, mother-in-law, mother's day, mothers and adult daughters, parenting Boomerang kids, sons, tips and strategies, women multitasking
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Long-distance Grandmothers
When your grandchildren live far away, you probably don’t have the opportunity to see them more than every few months, particularly in this economy. Here the most salient issue is building connections. Likely you will need to enlist the aid of your adult children and children-in-law to help you form the bonds between you and their kids. The way you do this will vary as they grow and will certainly flow from your own interests and creative talents. Whatever you choose, your efforts will be well worth it when you … Continue reading
Posted in extended family, your self
Tagged connection, grandchildren, grandmother, grandparenting, savor memories, scrapbook, Skype
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Today is Independence Day and, as we finish up our series on grandparenting, remember to respect the independence of your adult children who are parents themselves. You have spent years raising your sons and daughters and now allow them to raise their own children. A lot has changed since you began to parent – new theories of child-rearing, new equipment, new techniques. Don’t assume that, just because you did things in a certain way, it’s the best. Your relationship with your children will change as you begin to see their … Continue reading