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Tag Archives: PTSD
Conquering Stress with Courage, Clarity, and Confidence
Today we are pleased to welcome Drs. Balasa Prasad and Preetham Grandhi to our blog to discuss their new book, The Turning Point: Conquering Stress with Courage, Clarity, and Confidence. Both authors are Psychiatrists who work with patients to conquer their stress so that they can turn their lives around and thrive. Stress has been a principal nemesis of all of us and now stress levels seem to be higher than ever all over the world. A fragile worldwide economy, ongoing globalization and rapid technological advances have all played a … Continue reading
Posted in stress, well-being, your self
Tagged addiction, children, clarity, confidence, courage, Grandhi, Prasad, PTSD, stress, Turning Point Program
9/11 Ten Years Later
Ten years ago, this photo took my breath away. Just like the pictures of the collapsing towers and the fliers with the smiling faces of lost loved ones. What powerful images of despair, suffering and the staggering losses of 9/11. But there were also stories of rescue, heroism and survival. At dinner the other night, my 5 year old grandson was amazed by his brothers’ conversation about terrorists seizing control of planes and crashing them into the World Trade Center. Being so young, how could they understand the impact? But … Continue reading
Posted in your self
Tagged 9/11, collapsing towers, ground zero, national psyche, PTSD, resilience, ten years later, terrorists, World Trade Cent
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Stress Reaction to Trauma
The first few nights after the emergency landing, Sullenberger couldn’t sleep. He questioned his performance, even though all 155 people aboard survived. Initially he had trouble forgiving himself because he thought he could have done something different. Sullenberger’s emotional reaction is very common and normal. What follows are some tips that may be helpful if you or loved ones experience a traumatic event: Develop stress relievers. If you have endured an extraordinary physical or emotional experience, take time out for yourself. By regular exercise, good nutrition and proper rest, you’ll … Continue reading
Posted in your self
Tagged Captain Sullenberger, emergency landing, exercise, flashbacks, PTSD, relaxation, stress reaction
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