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Tag Archives: Pew Research Center
College Grads: Moving Back With Parents
A lot of students are about to walk away from campus – diplomas in hand – and straight back home. May is boomerang month for many families. And the return to the nest is hardly surprising, as 70% of graduates with a bachelor’s degree carry at least $35,000 in debt. According to the Pew Research Center as many as 1 in 3 Millennials are not living independently. Less than 5% of parents think their 2016 graduates will have a full-time job after college. And over 35% say they expect to … Continue reading
Posted in adult children, stress, well-being, your self
Tagged 2016 college grads, adult children living with parents, Boomerang kids, economy and job market in flux, Millennials, Pew Research Center, stress
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Boomerang Kids: A Cultural Shift?
According to recent Pew Research data, the national unemployment rate for 18 to 34 year olds declined to 7.7 percent in the first third of 2015. Yet now even more Boomerang Kids – many with a college degree, huge student loans and poor job prospects – are living with their parents than in the Great Recession. Millennials were hardest hit during those years and economic growth since has been slow. The 20s, now defined as Adultolescence, are considered a crucial decade when the lessons learned influence who they become as adults. Some … Continue reading
Millennials and Faith
Millennials continue to create their own path to adulthood. A Pew Research Center survey indicates that they are less likely than any other generations to be affiliated with a traditional faith or attached to religious institutions. Only 58% say they are certain that God exists. Moving beyond the walls, they’re finding unrestricted networks where every tribe is represented and no one is left out. Some have lots of questions and, without definitive answers, are engaging with others and encouraging dialogue. As digital natives they continue these discussions, collaborating and feeling connected through … Continue reading
Posted in adult children, parenting kids, stress, well-being, your self
Tagged Boomerang kids, God, meditation, Millennials, path, Pew Research Center, Pope Francis, prayer, religion, spirituality, stress, student loans, Vatican
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Have Some ‘Catch-up’ with Your Sandwich Generation
July is Sandwich Generation month. According to a 2011 report from the Pew Research center, 30 million Americans are unpaid care-givers for their aging parents. And many of them are still raising children or supporting a boomerang kid. Photo courtesy of social media arts – flickr.com If you’re a member of the Sandwich Generation, you know that there’s a lot to chew on. When your secretary says there’s a nurse on the line, do you wonder if it’s the school or the cardiac care unit? It can be a struggle when you’re worried about your children, … Continue reading