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Tag Archives: parenting
As the Presidential primaries continue their drive to Super Tuesday and beyond, the emphasis in Florida has shifted to the economy. With both the stock market and interest rates in a decline, Baby Boomers’ retirement investments are being hit from both ends. When you are in the Sandwiched Generation, caring for aging parents and growing children, the effects of a slowing economy may have an even more dramatic effect on your financial situation. Polls in Florida have indicated that the economy is the number one issue to voters there. Consequently, … Continue reading
Today, we have the pleasure of welcoming author Carol D. O’Dell to our blog as she continues her virtual book tour and answers our questions about her new book, Mothering Mother. Carol’s memoir is bitingly humorous and unflinchingly honest as she narrates her feelings of the moment — love, grief, humor and even bitter resentment. When Carol’s mother was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease and a heart condition, Carol’s decision not to put her mother “in one of those homes” had far-reaching consequences for her family. She learned to mother her … Continue reading
Father’s day was a big gathering at our place. It all began 10 years ago when our son’s fraternity brothers who had settled in Los Angeles got together with their dads for a softball game. It became an annual event. Last Sunday, with children, parents and in-laws, we numbered more than 60. What nostalgia – when it seems like only yesterday that we were celebrating our fathers and playing with our young children. What a pleasure to see our children as parents themselves. Time really does fly.