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Tag Archives: parenting
How to Get Your Kids Unplugged from TV & Video Games
Even when it is clear what you want to do, how do you begin to separate your kids from their video games and TV? Can you turn their attention to other pursuits? It’s not a simple process, but you can start by talking about why it’s important to reduce your kids’ electronic screen time. Help them see that watching less TV is not a punishment, but rather an important part of their growth. Convince them to buy into the value of unplugging, and you can all brainstorm together about other … Continue reading
Posted in parenting kids
Tagged children, electronics, Facebook, family, fan page, kids, Nourishing Family Relationships, parenting, reading, Sandwiched Boomers, TV, unplugged, video games
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Getting Children Unplugged from TV & Video Games
Have you noticed that your kids are becoming more attached than ever to television, video games and texting? And the season doesn’t seem to matter. In winter, the shorter daylight hours and long, dark evenings allow less time for outdoor play. During summer, with more free time and fewer structured activities, it’s easy to turn to electronics for stimulation. The latest Nielsen figures indicate that children are watching more TV than ever, with ages 2 to 5 watching over 32 hours a week. While television time for children aged 6 … Continue reading
Posted in parenting kids
Tagged American Academy of Pediatrics, children, electronics, family, kids, Nielsen, parenting, TV, unplugged, video games
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Questions and Answers: "Too Close for Comfort"
Plenty of sandwiched boomers tuned in yesterday to take part in our interview with Susan Shaffer and Linda Gordon. We had a spirited discussion with the authors of Too Close for Comfort: Questioning the Intimacy of Today’s New Mother-Daughter Relationship. Our thanks to Susan for being so generous with her time – here are a sampling of questions and her responses: Several Readers had specific questions about their relationships with their daughters. Reader: I hear you! Some days my 20 year old daughter and I are so close and others … Continue reading
Virtual Book Tour: "If Mama Don’t Laugh, It Ain’t Funny"
Today we are delighted to welcome Lucy Adams to our blog’s Virtual Book Tour. Lucy is the author of “If Mama Don’t Laugh, It Ain’t Funny.” Her first book celebrates family and the struggle to balance life while maintaining a sound mind and body. Readers get lost in her stories of family antics which somehow always seem to explore and further her own personal growth through insight and a healthy portion of humor. Now see for yourself: Nourishing Relationships: What inspired you to write this book? Lucy Adams: So many … Continue reading
Posted in extended family, your self
Tagged " books, "If Mama Don't Laugh It Ain't Funny, author, children, columnist, family, humor, Lucy Adams, parenting, Virtual Book Tour, writing