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Tag Archives: parenting
Sandwich Generation: Caring for a Family in Flux
It’s never been easy for members of the sandwich generation, faced with the challenges of caring for aging parents and growing kids. And in today’s world, family pressures are often compounded by job loss, economic concerns or workplace stress. If you’re trying to get a handle on these issues, here are some resources: Tomorrow at Noon EDT (9am PDT) listen to Blog Talk Radio – scroll down to Upcoming Episode, “Nourishing your Family Relationships without Starving Yourself” to read more about it. As guests of Dr. Sandra Haymon, we’ll be … Continue reading
Helicopter Parents Following Kids to College
Precisely who are these Helicopter Parents? They’re the ones who pay such close attention to their children’s experiences and problems that it’s smothering. And when these over-protecting parents are fearful or worried and restrictive, their kids often become too dependent and doubt themselves. Over time, they don’t have the life skills to assess risks, make decisions and take care of themselves. And what about the parents, themselves? This Washington Post article, written by sociology professor Dr. Margaret Nelson, is called Helicopter Moms Heading for a Crash. She says this parenting … Continue reading
Helicopter Parents and Teen Self Esteem Month
Did you know that May is National Teen Self Esteem Month? And that a negative self image can affect learning and social skills as well as lead to delinquency, eating disorders and substance abuse? Some experts believe there’s a correlation between how much and what kind of control parents exert and how their children experience themselves. Growing up, perhaps your parents kept such a close watch over you that it felt suffocating. Have you ever thought, now that you’re the parent of teens, that you’re doing the same thing? As … Continue reading
The Process of Getting Unplugged from TV and Video Games
Are your frustrated in your efforts to get your kids away from their electronics? You probably know that when you children do become unplugged from the entertainment media, they can more easily connect with the real world around them. But unhooking them is not easy to do. Here are some ways to begin: Be a positive role model. Try not to leave the TV on as a background noise or a distraction. And don’t watch TV yourself just to fill the time. When you watch only a few particular and … Continue reading
Posted in parenting kids
Tagged children, electronics, family, Fresh Air Fund, kids, parenting, time management, TV, unplugged, video games
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